Due to bilirubin levels [considerably] higher than our pediatrician wanted to see, Baby Jake spent the better part of 5 days after he came home from the hospital wrapped in a "bili-blanket"and endured having his poor heels pricked for blood tests so many times that even the people in the lab were starting to feel bad for the little guy. Although the blanket was a bit of an inconvenience, we are grateful we were able to treat him at home (the doctor was very close to admitting him) and are even more grateful that his count appears to have dropped into safe territory. The experience also afforded us the opportunity, for several days, to sleep with a big blue glow-worm curled-up in our arms. How many people can say that?
And just so you know that he is looking and doing great...
Those heel pricks just break your heart, don't they? Heather had to have her blood sugar checked every three hours for the first two days of her life. I thought I might die to look at her little feet.
It looks like Jacob's through with that for a while though. Whew!
Steve said Baby Jacob is a cutie! He had a fun time visiting with you guys last night and said the dinner you fixed him was amazing! I'll have to get your recipe! Thanks again for inviting him over! Ashley
Luke still asks to see the pictures of "baby Jake" almost every day. He was mad today when the music didn't come on.
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